Not Just in Rome: Celebrating Women in Classics

Our post about how professors can help you relieve stress will go up on Monday. It’s International Women’s Day today, and that should mean more to classicists than anybody, because we’re familiar with how bad a deal women have traditionally gotten in history. Instead of reading a long post, take the time today to appreciate the women in your life. And also in the department. Our chair, Dr. Sheila Ager, works really hard at the helm of the department, wrangling administrators and making sure that you get the best experience possible. Prof. Christina Vester, our undergraduate advisor, is always there for students, and is responsible for the push that Labyrinth got to get started. And we can’t forget about Brigitte Schneebeli, without whom the entire department would burn to the ground. There are all kinds of awesome people out there, so take the time to let them know.  Here are some articles that will hopefully inspire you today.

15 Interesting Women of Ancient Rome

Listverse takes a look at some pretty amazing historical women.

7 Easy Ways to Make an Impact on International Women’s Day

Find out how you can help fight the good fight and celebrate women today.

Now I’m off to help at least one lady conquer the world. See you next week!

Jim Tigwell knows a disproportionate number of women bent on world domination. To secure a place in their regime, contact him on Twitter.






2 responses to “Not Just in Rome: Celebrating Women in Classics”

  1. christina vester Avatar
    christina vester

    Jim Tigwell rawks! Thanks so much for the compliment (and for posting the Eddie Izzard sketch on the CMS page).

    1. Jim Tigwell Avatar

      I do what I can. You’re the real heroes here. Also, look for that Eddie Izzard sketch in our Monday post on how professors help students relieve stress. =]

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