You may remember the Italy trip that sadly was cancelled a few months ago? Well, the department is thinking about another, smaller scale trip next year. This time to Greece. Head past the jump to see the message from Dr. Hardiman with the details, and before you look at the dollar figure, know that as always, Labyrinth is here to help. Check out this post from Classics alumna and world traveller Laura Thurston, about how to budget for huge trips. Laura’s offered to write about how to budget for this Greece trip specifically, and you’ll hopefully see that post here next week. The trip is worth every penny, I promise that.
Hello everyone,
This message is in regards to the department possibly offering another Study Abroad Course (CLAS 390/695 – ie: grad students can get credit for it as a grad course) next year. I know that money is a major issue and so we are doing what we can to make this a more affordable course, while still ensuring that enough gets done to warrent the price of a plane ticket – no point in just going for a week or something.
We are thinking of offering a trip to Greece for ca.15-17 days. Given the short time, we were thinking of focusing on something like the Bronze Age and so visit Crete, Santorini and the Mainland. While this would be the focus, obviously we would be looking at/visiting a few non-Bronze Age sites.
While we cannot begin to think about a final price at this time, you would likely be looking at $3000(ish) dollars which would cover airfare, hotels, bus rentals, site admissions, etc. but not registration for the course, meals (other than breakfast – included with hotel) and miscellaneous spending.
If you think that this is something you would be interested in, please write back to me as soon as possible. We need to gauge the interest among the students before we begin the very lengthy task of planning such a trip and putting the course into our offerings for next year. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
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