Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Latin: A First Date

    When learning a new language, I find that it’s always good to get to know it first. Find out what it’s about, the kinds of expectations it has, and how much work it’s going to be. After all, it takes a person who likes a certain kind of challenge to surmount the terrifying idioms of…

  • Greek

    I’m often fascinated by languages, particularly Greek, so when I ran across this poem, I knew I had to share it.

  • Agora: Fresh Ideas for the Classics Genre

    Agora: Fresh Ideas for the Classics Genre

    Movie Review I must admit, I was leery when I first saw the cover of Agora on Netflix. It showed the back of a young man with an unsheathed gladius dripping blood. I was immediately reminded of the many recent disappointments in terms of historical movies or TV series set in antiquity, namely Centurion, Clash of the Titans,…

  • Classics


    I graduated a year ago with a minor in classical studies, but I like to stay involved with UW’s Classical Studies community, so I write here, and tweet as well. This isn’t just because the people involved in that department, both students and faculty, are great people who have had an incredible effect on my development…

  • End of Term

    Last night was a big night for the Classical and Medieval Studies Student Society (CMS), and a great way to end the term. After a  talk by visiting graduate student Monica D’Agostini on the lineage of the Seleucids in Pontus and Syria, we retired to the Three Kretans restaurant in Kitchener for an evening of great food…

  • HBO’s Rome Series: Not your average sword-and-sandal trash

    As a generally very picky person, there are very few TV series that I want to watch again and again and again. HBO’s Rome is definitely #1 on that list though – even above all my favourite non-classics related shows. It’s not for the violence and sex – if that’s what you’re looking for, I…

  • Robin Hood (TV movie, 1991, Uma Thurman and Patrick Bergin)

    I adore Robin Hood stories. Always have. When I was a kid I’d read any version I could get my hands on, and the Errol Flynn Robin Hood was one of my favourite movies. So when I found a Robin Hood movie I hadn’t seen yet, I was very excited. Sat down last night to…

Got any book recommendations?