Month: February 2013

  • The 2 Best Ways to Build Your Events

    CMS First off, welcome back from reading week! I hope you spent it sequestered in your lair, poring over your text books and ensuring your readiness for the finals which loom ever closer, rather than having fun, hanging out, or visiting places that are totally rad. None of that is true. A month ago, I…

  • Shut Pie-hole Quickly, Rapscallion

    I was going to talk about serious things today, about how to motivate people and get them on board with projects, that sort of thing. But then I remembered it’s the Friday before reading week, and you don’t need any more load on your brain as you retire from classes for a week to diligently…

  • Classics Abroad

    Every year, the department sends someone to intern at the Canadian Institute in Greece, to see the world and learn about classical studies first hand. Today’s post is a reflection of Kyle Campbell, last year’s CIG intern, about his experiences there. 

  • Snow Day

    If you didn’t know, UW is closed today. Try not to study too hard, you’ve earned a bit of a break. Jim Tigwell isn’t leaving his damn house today. He’s going to watch Youtube and communicate only via Twitter.

  • Ologies

    Not elegies, ologies. You read it right. Remember that archaeology song I recorded last year, on my crappy webcam mic? This week I did a video about my bibliography, and included the final cut of the song! Go past the jump to hear the new and improved archaeology song.

  • Counselling

    The best one-stop shop on campus for stress management is definitely Counselling Services. Whether it’s your deadlines weighing you down, a new term looming ahead, relationship trouble, work, or problems at home, they’re here for you. They serve students, staff, and faculty, and have offices all over campus, including in residence, as well as the…