Month: August 2012

  • August Roundup

    Newsreel Just a few things this week to round off the end of the month. Another story about urban archaeology, and one about Labyrinth’s favourite mythological creature (hint: it’s not minotaurs. Well, it is, but there’s not a lot of minotaur related news. Okay fine, our second favourite creature). Also over the next few months,…

  • Fall 2012, Advanced

    Fall 2012, Advanced

    This week we’re back with even more courses being offered in the fall, only this time we have some from the more advanced years. Later courses in the program start to develop your interests in a much more specialized way, toward history, textual analysis, art, or even field archaeology. I’ve taken a few of these…

  • Expanded Horizons

    Expanded Horizons

    Newsreel There’s more to classics and medieval studies than field archaeology, though that’s what produces some of the best pictures, without a doubt. Still, there’s worlds of scholars who work with artifacts and ancient texts to better help us understand the stories of the ancient world. They translate manuscripts, write your textbooks, teach your classes,…

  • Fall 2012

    Fall 2012

    The wind is starting to pick up and the nights are getting coolers, which means it’s almost certainly fall. New students, new classes, and new beginnings (all beginnings are new) await us in the term. It’s worth examining some of our course offerings this term from a student’s perspective, to get a picture of why…

  • Hidden Cities

    Hidden Cities

    Newsreel Hidden cities fascinate me. The idea that beneath modern towns there’s a substrate of urban life that once was. There are a lot of them, which is no surprise because cities are built where they are for a reason, and the reason doesn’t usually change even if the city dies. In Canada we don’t…

  • Hero of the Ages

    Hero of the Ages

    The Adventures of Phillip Part 2 Disheartened after learning I was in the furthest back of the backwater districts of Sparta instead of a glorious city in Egypt, I left the farmer behind and, trudging up the road, slumped down on a tree stump. Most of my coin had gone into paying for this trip,…

  • Things Long Buried

    Things Long Buried

    Newsreel Sometimes there are amazing discoveries in the field, and it’s worth highlighting several of the cooler or crazier ones. With that in mind, Labyrinth is introducing our Newsreel series, which will collate and comment on a few prominent discoveries or articles in classical or medieval studies in the past week. Today, for our inaugural…

  • Ancient in Modern

    Despite the fact that we study people who lived and died over a thousand years ago, their influence is still profound on our society even today, and not just in our legal codes and practices, but in popular culture. The Avengers are rife with medieval imagery, and movies Gladiator and shows like Rome demonstrate how…

  • Gregorian Jams

    I’m on vacation this weekend, but thought I’d share with you a song I wrote about the International Congress of Medieval Studies. Because I’m a nerd. Who raps. About nerdy things sometimes. I also want to talk a bit about Kalamazoo, which is where the conference is, and what we usually refer to it as.